
Berichte über Erfahrungen mit Transzendentaler Meditation aus der Wirtschaft

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Transzendentale Meditation - Hilfe für gestresste Manager

N24 Aktiv Talk - Sendung 10.01.01
Prof. Dr. Klaus Heilmann im Gespräch mit Dr. Ulrich Bauhofer, ärztlicher Direktor der ayurvedischen Klinik Parkschlösschen, Traben-Trabach, und Dietmar Penkwitt, Geschäftsführer des Speditionsunternehmens Schmalz & Schön, praktiziert TM und bietet sie für seine Mitarbeiter an.

Dietmar Penkwitt frei zitiert aus dem Fernsehinterview in N24:
"Seit in meinem Unternehmen meditiert wird, sind meine Mitarbeiter wesentlich leistungsfähiger."
"Ich meditiere nun seit etwa zwei Jahren und bin durch Zufall auf die Transzendentale Meditation gekommen. Unser Unternehmen, eine internationale Spedition mit heute über 500 Mitarbeitern, wurde vor 22 Jahren gegründet. In dieser Branche geht es immer sehr hektisch zu. Eines Tages stellte ich fest, dass mir die Kraft ausgeht, dass ich nicht mehr die gleiche Energie wie früher hatte."
"Nach der Meditation habe ich anschließend wieder volle Kraft, bin ausgeglichener und kann mich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren. Ich übe die TM zweimal täglich aus und komme nun nicht mehr in Stress-Situationen."
"Nachdem es mir besser ging, merkten auch meine Mitarbeiter, dass ´der Chef besonnener reagiert und ausgeglichener ist`, und so ergab es sich, dass ich meinen 10 Abteilungsleitern anbot, auf Kosten der Firma die TM zu erlernen. Wir haben jetzt einen Meditationsraum in der Firma. Die Erfahrungen für das ganze Unternehmen sind sehr gut. Das Klima ist viel ausgeglichener."
"Früher habe ich gegen meinen zu hohen Blutdruck zwei Tabletten am Tag nehmen müssen. Heute komme ich mit einer halben aus."

“Managen Sie Ihre Energie, nicht nur Ihre Zeit!“

Dr. med. Ulrich Bauhofer ist Arzt, Autor, Meditationstrainer und gefragter Redner

Maharishi Center for Excellence in Management offers The Maharishi Corperate Development Program to Corporations and Governments world wide. In Germany the Program can be booked through: MAHARISHI VEDA GmbH, Am Achterstieg 9, 18225 Kühlungsborn, Tel. 038293-4347-0, Fax 038293-4347-17; www.MaharishiVeda.de; eMail: finanzen@MaharishiVeda.de. The Course-Fee for The Maharishi Corporate Development Program is fixed at 5.000,-- Euro plus MWSt. for each participant. Minimum number of participants is 20. No discounts available.


"Ich übe die TM seit 1974 aus, und mindestens 100 Kollegen bei Ericsson praktizieren diese Technologie ebenfalls. Meine Erfahrungen mit der TM berühren viele Bereiche in der Familie und im Arbeitsleben. Mir fällt es viel leichter, Ideen umzusetzen, weil ich das Bedürfnis habe, sie konstruktiv zu formulieren und zu propagieren. Es ist auch leichter, neue Dinge aufzunehmen und zu akzeptieren. Die Kommunikation in der Organisation ist jetzt direkter geworden."
Eva Salomonsson, Direktor der Abteilung für Technik und Qualität, Ericsson Schweden
"Die Transzendentale Meditation ist für mich das Mittel, zu meinem Selbst zurückzukommen. Sie gibt Ruhe, Festigkeit und Einsicht in das, was um einen herum passiert. Für mich arbeitet die TM auf der grundlegenden Ebene von Geist und Körper und integriert sie beide mehr und mehr"  
Pieter Koridon, Manager für Management-Entwicklung, IBM Holland



Canadian Companies Support TM

Concerns over increasing stress and absenteeism have sparked Canadian companies to begin paying for courses in TM as part of their employees benefit package. Assumption Life and Maritime Life Assurance pay from 50% to 100% of the TM course fee to promote employee wellness. Companies include Bank of Nova Scotia, and Investors Group. In New Brunswick, government employees at Economic Development and Tourism, and Health and Community Services have also recently been approved  to learn.


Zahlreiche Studien haben gezeigt, dass Arbeitnehmer, die die TM ausüben, mehr leisten und kreativer sind als vor Beginn der TM. Verringerte Fehlzeiten durch Krankheiten, eine höhere Motivation und ein besseres Arbeitsklima sind auf die Praxis der TM zurückzuführen.
General Motors, größter Autohersteller in den USA, bietet ab sofort allen festangestellten Mitarbeitern an, die Transzendentale Meditation auf Kosten des Unternehmens zu erlernen. Ausschlaggebend für diese Entscheidung sind überzeugende Zahlen, die zeigen, dass berufsbedingter Stress von Arbeitnehmern die amerikanischen Unternehmen jährlich bis zu 200 Milliarden Dollar kostet. Auch wird darin die Hauptursache für abnehmende Gesundheit und Produktivität gesehen.
In den letzten 25 Jahren haben zahlreiche Unternehmensstudien gezeigt, dass das TM-Programm große Vorteile für Firmen und deren Angestellte bringt. Zum Beispiel fand eine Studie mit 125 General Motors Angestellten heraus, dass deren Ausübung der Transzendentalen Meditation signifikante Verbesserungen für ihre Gesundheit, Arbeitseffektivität und ihre Zufriedenheit in Beruf und Freizeit brachte.

"Bei all meinem Suchen, mir selbst zu helfen, einigermaßen effektiv zu bleiben und andere zu beraten und zu lehren, wie man effektiv und tüchtig ist, in dem was man tut, habe ich nichts gefunden, das der Ausübung der  Transzendentalen Meditation vergleichbar ist."
C. J. Hegarty, Präsident, Hegarty Associates (Management- und Finanzberater) U.S.A. - Autor des Bestsellers How to Manage your Boss

"Etwa 90% unserer Mitarbeiter üben die Transzendentale Meditation aus. Wir arbeiten wirtschaftlicher, produktiver und profitabler als jemals zuvor. Die Atmosphäre ist viel entspannter als in anderen Unternehmen, sogar die Luft vibriert voller Kreativität und Dynamik."
Fred Gratzon, CEO, Telegroup, Inc. U.S.A.

"Die Ausübung der Transzendentalen Meditation hat mir ein 360-Grad Rundum-Bewusstsein gebracht. Im Beruf war ich immer sehr festgelegt und auf meine Ziele konzentriert. Jetzt, mit der erweiterten Bewusstheit durch die Transzendentale Meditation, bin ich in der Lage, offener und flexibler an meine Ziele heranzugehen. In meinem persönlichen Leben fühle ich mich viel integrierter - als erfüllter Mensch."  
Tom Gould, Vorstand und CEO, Younkers Inc., U.S.A.

If you are a California lawyer, you can learn TM and have the course count towards your professional training. All lawyers in California must participate in a number of further training courses. The lawyers’ professional body has recognised TM in this way because they have seen the advantages in the work place of practising TM. Lawyers who are free of stress and tensions perform better and are more successful.

Transcendental Meditation in the Workplace

Research carried out in a chemical factory in Detroit, USA, showed remarkable results over a three year period. As TM was introduced to more and more employees, absenteeism dropped by 82% and profits rose by over 500%.

Rick Goings, Vorstand des riesigen internationalen Kunststoff-Konzerns Tupperware, sagt, dass er 70% seiner Zeit auf Reisen verbringt, mit Treffen Tausender seiner 2,5 Millionen Mitarbeiter und wichtigen geschäftlichen Entscheidungen in fünf verschiedenen Kontinenten. Eine Sache, die seine Leistung steigert - und für die er sich jeden Nachmittag 20 Minuten Zeit nimmt - ist die Praxis der Transzendentalen Meditation.

USA Fortune 100 Company

One of the largest corporations in the United States turned to the Maharishi Corporate Development Program in an effort to improve employee health and effectiveness. Managers and employees in a large Midwestern manufacturing plant of the Fortune 100 company, as well as those in a Pennsylvania distribution company, learned the Transcendental Meditation technique (company names withheld in accord with corporate policies). After 3 months the employees who learned the TM technique were compared with a control group of non-meditating employees who worked at similar job sites, held similar job positions, had similar demographics (age, education, etc.), and similar personality characteristics before the study began.

Published Research

The study was published in the international scientific journal Anxiety, Stress, and  Coping. Researchers reported that, compared to controls, the group that learned  the TM technique had significantly:
     Less anxiety, job tension, insomnia, and fatigue
     Reduced cigarette and hard liquor use
     Improved health and fewer health complaints
     Enhanced effectiveness, job satisfaction, and work/personal relationships.

As found in previous studies, the effectiveness of the TM program in reducing  anxiety, smoking and drinking, and in promoting personal development was substantially greater than other forms of meditation or relaxation.A study published in a leading management journal found that managers and
employees practising the Transcendental Meditation program an average of 11 months* showed significant improvements in job performance and job satisfaction as compared to members of a control group of co-workers and supervisors. People at every level of the organisation benefited from the TM program.

R. W. Montgomery, Jr., former CEO, H.A. Montgomery Co. on Benefits for the Company: "Over a six-year period, the Transcendental Meditation program was introduced to over 70% of our managers and employees, and they were encouraged to meditate on company time at the plant. As a result, productivity, sales, and profitability all improved dramatically, the creativity of our research department went up, and absenteeism dropped sharply, as did sick days and injuries. The TM program paid for itself in two months on the basis of reduced absenteeism alone. The TM program has been my best business decision." R.W. "Buck" Montgomery was looking to turn around his Detroit-based chemical manufacturing firm, the 40-year old H.A. Montgomery Company. Buck explored different stress managment and employee development programs. After much research he introduced the Transcendental Meditation program throughout the company. The impact was immediate. Productivity improved substantially. Absenteeism dropped sharply as did sick days, and drug and alcohol abuse. Sales per employee climbed 120% in two years and profitability soared 520%. Buck later sold the company and now is a top executive at USA Global Link,Inc., a rapidly growing international telecommunications company.

Burton A. Dole, Jr. Former Chairman and CEO, Puritan-Bennett Corp. Leading manufacturer of respiratory products: "The key to success in today's world is innovation, creativity -- beyond anything else. If you create products and services that are clearly better than what your competitors produce, you're going to succeed in today's world. Having the ability to enhance one's own creativity as well as that of one's employees seems to me to be the ultimate responsibility of a manager within a company. And the Transcendental Meditation program allows that creativity enhancement to take place beyond anything I've ever seen."

 Steve Rubin Chairman and CEO, United Fuels International, Inc. International energy brokerage firm: "For me the experience of settled inner wakefulness and expanded awareness during the Transcendental Meditation technique is the real foundation for successful decision making.

After meditating I have the mental clarity and alertness for laser-like focus on the details and, at the same time, for broad comprehension so I don't get lost in the details. I find myself continuously growing in insight and intuition, as well as in the ability to focus and analyze. Over my years in business, the TM technique has been a real competitive advantage."

"Seit wir die TM in unseren Firmen eingeführt haben, erfahren wir, dass Wirtschaftlichkeit und Produktivität in einem harmonischen Umfeld zunehmen. Unsere Firmen expandieren ohne Stress. Ich kann die TM für einen schnellen Erfolg nur empfehlen."  
Teofilo Castillo, Boydon, Präsident, Sovinca S.A. und Concordia S.A. Peru


Indian Boardrooms Become Meditation Halls

"In the past three years, boardrooms of more than 50 major Indian corporations have been transformed into group meditation halls," says Dr. Steve Briggs, International Director of the Maharishi Corporate Development Program.
"Corporate giants in India, such as Hewlett-Packard, Reckitt-Coleman, Eveready, BHEL, and Tata, now offer the Transcendental Meditation program to develop the creativity and effectiveness of their managers."

Transcendental Meditation in the Workplace

Maharishi Corporate Development Programme has been introduced to the multinational giants of India, Tata Tea Ltd. and Tata Chemicals. 20,000 managers and employees of Tata Tea and 6,000 of Tata Chemicals have taken part in
the programme. Other renowned companies enjoying the benefits of this unique programme include: Associated Cement, Indian Aluminium, Reckitt & Colman, Oriental Bank of Commerce, SRF, Eveready, Tata Unisys, BHEL, Jindal Polyester, Indian Petro Chemicals Ltd., Anand Group, DCM Shriram, Finolex, Hewlett Packard India, DCM Financial Services, Indian Sugar and General Engineering Corporation, SWIL, Williamson Magor and Co., and Kribhco.

South India Research Institute Ltd.

South India Research Institute Ltd. (SIRIS) comprises 16 industries manufacturing basic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and edible oils. A total of 3,000 employees are working in the SIRIS group of industries. A large majority of employees practise Transcendental Meditation. After implementation of the Maharishi Corporate Development Programme, G.S. Raju, chairman of the corporation, noted:

"Transcendental Meditation is practised during working hours twenty minutes twice a day. Apart from improving performance, this has helped the progress of the company. Workers now work only 7 hours but produce 10 hours worth of output. Before learning Transcendental Meditation in 8 hours of work the productivity was equivalent to only 6 hours -- an increase of productivity by 57%. In addition, there was a marked reduction in stress, reduced absenteeism, and the workers reported less fatigue, worries, and anxiety. We have found a more relaxed, peaceful and comfortable atmosphere and working climate in our companies."

"Mehr als 25.000 Menschen haben bei uns die Transzendentale Meditation erlernt. Sie hat uns viel näher zusammengebracht. Wir fühlen uns bereichert, leistungsfähiger und in der Lage, besser zu arbeiten."
D.S. Seth, Vorstand von Tata Tea Ltd., ehemaliger Vorstand von Tata Chemicals Ltd., Indien

"During Transcendental Meditation we experience our inner nature -- which is cool, calm, and refreshing. This daily experience of deep inner silence results in more energy and alertness during the day, making our activity more successful and enjoyable. And we feel also it's very Indian -- it is something that comes naturally to the people of India. This will give us an edge in the global environment, where we have to compete with people from all over the world." -- Dr. B. K. Modi Chairman and President, ModiCorp

"After having practised Transcendental Meditation twice daily for about 20 minutes each time, during the last 6 months, I am much more relaxed even during moments of high pressure. My memory is also better. My relationship with my family members and colleagues in the office has substantially improved. The so called factor of luck or good fortune is even more evident in a number of critical situations. I am over 60 and have been practising yoga for the last 44 years. Despite this, TM has certainly been a great help in substantially  improving the quality of my life." -- Shashi Ullal President and Managing Director, Hughes Escorts Communication LTD

"We have chosen MCDP to achieve a well-balanced personality development of our employees. Those of us who have practised TM in SRF have reported many benefits-better alertness and calmness as well as freedom from many stress-related health problems. All these will doubtless improve harmony and teamwork in our organisation, besides improving the lives of our people." --Ramanathan President HRD, Sri Ram Fibres LTD

"Transcendental Meditation has been very helpful to me in solving business as well as personal problems. I find that the practice makes me feel deeply relaxed, and my attitude has become more positive. I am sure that Transcendental Meditation will be instrumental in bringing joy and happiness in the lives of many more people." -- Ratan Jindal Managing Director, Jindal Strips


The benefits of TM for business has hit the headlines recently in Israel. An article in Business, the weekly supplement of the daily business newspaper Globes quotes factory owner Alkex Zeltser who has been practising TM for 18 years. "I gained power to come to terms with the unending stream of problems," he says. "As a result the factory grew a hundred-fold - from a small factory laden with difficulties to a thriving factory which serves some of the largest industries in the country."

The article describes some of the benefits gained by staff practising TM: decreased stress and anxiety, increased dynamism and alertness, leading to increase productivity. "Any self-respecting business cannot afford to ignore a technology which creates such effects," says the paper. Edna Ramot, General Manager of the International Congress Hall in Jerusalem, describes TM: "It is fun, it is wonderful. I  recommend it to everyone."


From the In-house magazine of the Sony Corporation

The Guinness world record holder for recalling numbers considers TM an effective relaxation technique. Mr Tomoyori from Japan won the world record in 1990 at the age of 58, by recalling the number pi to 40,000 decimal places. "I learned Transcendental Meditation when I wanted to relax better, in order to maintain my ability to concentrate," he says. "Because it takes 17 hours to say 40,000 decimal places from memory, I need a certain level of relaxation while I am simultaneously concentrating. Transcendental Meditation has strengthened my concentration and helps me to sleep deeply."
Large Multinational Company: Sumitomo Heavy Industries

More than 10,000 business people in Japan have learned the Transcendental Meditation Technique. Over 2,000 of them are top executives of leading Japanese companies including Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Toyota Motor Company, Kyocera (Yashika), and One World Supermarkets. Over 100 Japanese companies have introduced the TM program to their managers and employees.
After the implementation of the Transcendental Meditation program at Sumitomo Heavy Industries, a high technology company with about 8,000 employees, research on the project was conducted by the National Institute of Industrial Health of the Japanese government's Ministry of Labour.

The study evaluated 447 participating managers and employees in comparison to 321 controls at the same company. Participants showed substantial improvements in physical and mental health, including significant reductions in anxiety, insomnia, depression, emotional instability, physical complaints, smoking, and digestive problems.
"Transcendental Meditation gives much needed peace of mind, helps professionally by increasing concentration levels and finally, gives the bottom line satisfaction at the end of a long workday. The practical day-to-day benefits include more alertness, increased levels of tolerance, patience, and understanding." -- Anant Dehadrai India Director, Sumitomo Heavy Industries

 "In the very first week I personally realised the effect of Transcendental Meditation on my working --and in the next four months, on my health. Now I work with better efficiency due to better clarity of mind and thoughts. I credit Transcendental Meditation for controlling my blood pressure and for keeping me fresh and active throughout the day, thus improving my quality of life. I recommend Transcendental Meditation to those who want to improve their quality of life at the cost of 20 minutes twice a day." -- K. K. Agrawal Senior Vice President (Operations), Hero Honda

"Durch die TM nimmt die integrierte Funktionsweise der gesamten Gehirnphysiologie zu. Dies hilft sehr, geistigen Druck und Anspannungen abzubauen und Kreativität zu entwickeln. Eine Methode zu haben, die die geistige Ruhe wiederherstellt, ist in dieser Zeit ein großes Bedürfnis."
Hideo Itoh, M.D., Betriebsarzt, Toyota Japan

Andere ausländische Referenzen

Individual Learning Accounts

The government has now approved Transcendental Meditation as a suitable course for the Individual Learning Accounts scheme, in England and Wales, UK. This government scheme is "aimed at encouraging people to do more learning". The ILA will pay up to 20% of course fees. (Not available in Scotland).

Alternative Sentencing Regime" in Australia

Inspired by the results of the Enlightened Sentencing Project in the USA (see below), Australian magistrate Dr. Michael King is currently implementing a project which will make TM an essential component of the rehabilitation
programme in Geraldton, near Perth, Western Australia. This followed the successful visit to Australia of two of the judges involved in the American Project.
Prime Minister of Peru supports TM in Schools

Peruvian Prime Minister Victor Joy-Way has endorsed a joint venture between Ricardo Palma University and the Maharishi Institute of science and Technology for Peru which will include the teaching of TM in Peruvian schools. "A
successful and integrated life in the new millennium will require education to fully develop the consciousness of every student", said Dr Ivan Rodriguez Chavez, Chancellor of the university. This venture follows the successful introduction of TM into the curriculum of three schools in  Puno.

St Louis judge

 is sentencing  convicted felons to... yes, Transcendental Meditation! Rather than the normal sentence, they are required to participate in a 3-month rehabilitation programme which included TM.


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